Morgan Milzow & Ford, Realtors®
Nicki Warner, Morgan Milzow & Ford, Realtors®Phone: (248) 931-6601
Email: [email protected]

Eco homes of the future

by Nicki Warner 03/19/2024

Eco friendly homes of the future featured image

As the topic of sustainability and eco-friendly rings throughout media outlets and at the dinner table, there has been a rising interest in eco homes. 

Eco homes combine old knowledge and designs along with new technologies such as solar panels to maximize energy efficiency and promote healthy energy consumption. 

Green homes

A green home is built with the least amount of toxic chemicals to promote healthy living. For example, using paint with low to zero volatile organic compounds (VOCs) for cleaner air. 

Rooftop solar panels are often added to eco-friendly houses to make them incredibly energy efficient. 

Bamboo homes

Homes made of bamboo are sturdy and can withstand harsh weather. Bamboo is also more eco-friendly than traditional dry-wall homes, and the home built can be customized depending on the climate you live in. 

Timber bamboo is strong and can be used for homes in moderate climates, whereas homes in colder climates may need to be built as a hybrid to suit colder temperatures. 

An eco house in the forest

A forest eco house gently ties together the luxury of modern living with a natural element. As the home is built, surrounding trees are left untouched to prevent unnecessary deforestation. A green roof full of vegetation is used to blend the home into its lush forest surroundings and promote a sense of oneness with nature. 

Eco-homes are the way of the future. If you’re interested in learning more about these structures, consider speaking with a local green home building company.

About the Author

Nicki Warner

Nicki has a passion for building relationships and fostering community engagement, honored and enthusiastic about joining the MMFRE team. An Oakland County native, she, along with her three children, make Clarkston their home. Having an in-depth knowledge of the area and all the lakes have to offer, her insightfulness equates to rewards to all that are purchasing (and/or) selling their most valuable asset.

Armed with a Michigan State University (MSU) degree as well as 10 years of business experience in advertising and marketing, Nicki's "silver lining" shines through when it comes to showcasing properties for the "highest" and "best" results in this fast-paced, competitive industry.

She's "people person" at heart and enthusiastic about delivering results, you're sure to get to a successful finish line as my resourceful package of approachability, talent, resourcefulness, creativity, cheery attitude and honest hard work is yours for the asking.